The package includes the following services:
- Taking over and reviewing the primary data;
- Salary calculation (calculation of hours / days for any type of consultancy – standard, additional, night shift);
- Calculation of bonuses / annual leaves;
- Highlighting the absences without leave, assents or the leaves without pay;
- Registration of the salary amendments(basic salary, premiums, personal basic deductions, additional deductions etc.);
- Registration of deductions / advance payments / garnishments;
- Calculation of allowances for medical leaves or for parental / childcare leaves;
- Preparation of salary payrolland generation of payslips in PIN format;
- Preparation of file for salary payment via bank / card;
- Generation and submission of Declaration D112 regarding payment obligations of social contributions, income tax and the nominal records of the assured persons;
- Monthly, quarterly and annual filling in of forms for Regional Directorate of Statistics;
- Preparation of meal ticketslist and placing the order with the tickets provider;
- Annual preparation and submission of the Informative Declaration regarding the tax withheld and the gains/losses obtained, per income beneficiaries.

Over time we also prepared a few standard reports which we can make available to our clients, as follows:
- Costs Per Employee/Per Cost Center Report;
- Summarized Estimates per Cost Centers;
- List with employees birthdays per each month;
- Report on Medical Leaves;
- Report on Annual/Medical Leaves.
The above list is far from exhaustive and we are willing to provide you with any other reports necessary for your business.
- Preparation of individual employment agreementsand registration thereof with Revisal;
- Preparation of the Internal Regulationand job descriptions together with company’s representatives, i.e. departments leaders;
- Preparation of addendato the individual employment agreements and registration thereof with Revisal;
- Preparation of notification for terminationor suspension of the individual employment agreement and the registration thereof with Revisal;
- Preparation, updating and management of the Employment Record Books (up to their handover to the employees);
- Filling in and submission of the Register of Employeeswithin the legal deadlines;
- Issuance of employee certificates for medical / income / unemployment / retirement contributions / seniority etc. purposes.
All these activities shall be carried out based on the working procedures agreed with you during the phase concerning the service initialization.
The services initialization phase involves:
- Reviewing the current status regarding the staff documents and the final reports prepared and submitted with the competent authorities;
- Taking over staff data;
- Preparation of an informative report on the current situation;
- Establishing, by common agreement with your representative, certain working procedures for the preparation of the individual employment agreements, the addenda, the documents necessary to terminate the employment agreements;
- Establishing, together with your representative, the working procedures for taking-over the monthly data and sending you the related reports.
Morgan SOL offers you solutions for the total or partial outsourcing of the payroll and staff management activity, tailored to your needs. You may decide to keep within your own organization the performance of certain activities, which you consider critical, and the others should be outsourced simply and efficiently to us. The outsourced process will cease to be a resource-consuming routine and you will be able to focus your efforts on the activities that bring value to your business.